
这个页面主要为你介绍 Geyser 配置各个选项的作用,尽管配置文件中已经介绍,我们还在这里为你带来更详细的讲解。


这些选项适用于 Geyser 基岩端方面。

address: Geyser 所开启的地址。一般情况下,你不需要修改这里,保持原样即可

port: Geyser 所开启的端口。默认和基岩版的默认端口一样,为 19132

clone-remote-port: 服务器每次开启时,Geyser 所开启的端口和 Java版服务器是否保持一致。独立版无法使用此选项

motd1: Geyser 所开启的服务器显示的 MOTD 的第一行。

motd2: Geyser 所开启的服务器显示的 MOTD 的第二行。请务必注意该选项只在基岩版客户端 好友 选项卡显示 Geyser 服务器时有效。

server-name: 基岩版客户端在 暂停页面 所显示的世界名称。

compression-level: 一个数字值,表示压缩传出流量的程度。 可以是 -19 之间的任意数字;任何其他值都将替换为最接近的可接受值。数字越大,使用的 CPU 处理越多,但使用的 带宽 越少。

远程服务器部分 (Java版 部分)

这些选项适用于 Java 版服务器。

address: 你所要连接的 Minecraft:Java 版服务器的地址。默认情况下,这个选项被设置为 auto。如果一直设置为 auto,那么 Geyser 会自动同步 Java版服务器IP、端口和Floodgate配置信息。在独立版,将其设置为 auto 将代表设置成

port: 你在 address 选项所要连接的 Minecraft:Java 版服务器的端口。

auth-type: 登录到 Minecraft:Java 版服务器的方式,包括 online, offlinefloodgate

请务必注意您的 auth-type 选项必须和对应 Java 版服务器保持一致 (除了你的 Java 版服务器是盗版服务器,而你在这里设置为正版的情况)。尝试不用正版登录方式进入正版服务器是行不通的。如果你希望你的正版服务器的基岩版玩家无需使用 Java正版账号 登录,请查看 Floodgate Wiki。

use-proxy-protocol: 是否在连接到服务器时使用 PROXY/HAProxy 协议,这一般在以下情况有用:

  • 你的服务器支持 PROXY 协议(大多数情况下是不支持的)。

  • 你的 Java 版服务器使用 Velocity 或者 BungeeCord 代理端并且其对应配置也是开启的。

forward-hostname: 是否将 Geyser 服务器的 IP/端口Java版服务器 保持一致。


通用选项一般适用于 Geyser 本身的修改。

floodgate-key-file: Floodgate 生成的 key 文件的路径。你必须安装 Floodgateauth-type 选项设置成 floodgate,否则该选项没有意义。

userAuths: 此选项已被移除!一个放置你自己的 Minecraft:Java版 正版账号的选项,这样你每次登录 Geyser 服务器将会自动进入服务器,不需要输入你的正版账号信息。 我只建议你在个人使用 Geyser 时配置此选项,我想没人会愿意把自己的正版账号共享给其他人使用。

如果你的 Xbox 账号名称是 Notch,你的 Java版正版账号 的邮箱地址是sfoobar2000@gmail.com 然后你的密码是 hunter2 ,那么你就需要按下面这样的格式填写配置:

  Notch: # MCPE/Xbox 账号名称
    email: foobar2000@gmail.com
    password: "hunter2"
    microsoft-account: true

账号名称前面是两个空格,email 等前面是四个空格。

saved-user-logins: 只在 Geyserauth-typeonline 模式下有效,将会储存对应基岩版玩家的 Java 版正版账号相关信息。我们不会明文储存其账号和密码,而是使用一个类似密码的家伙加密储存它,但将你的该文件传输给他人时还是小心为妙!


  - jeb_
  - Dinnerbone

command-suggestions: 如果你的服务器指令提示太多,基岩版客户端在玩家首次打开聊天框并输入指令时会出现卡顿或者崩溃。这个配置选项可以关闭指令提示功能,以解决卡顿问题。自从 1.16.100 版本更新后: 指令提示造成的崩溃问题已经大幅度解决,在大多数情况下你不需要关闭这个选项。

passthrough-motd: 是否直接显示 Java 版服务器的 MOTD。如果设置为是,那么 motd1motd2 选项在 基岩版客户端MOTD不会显示

passthrough-protocol-name: 是否直接显示自定义的 Java 版自定义版本信息。 (例如 BungeeCord [X.X], Paper 1.X) - 这通常在你的Java版服务器使用自定义版本信息功能情况下才有用,如果你不知道你的服务器是否有使用相关功能,你可以前往 MCSrvStatus 查看你的服务器版本信息以确认。<mcsrvstat.us>

passthrough-players: 是否直接显示 Java 版服务器的人数。

legacy-ping-passthrough: 如果启用,则通过模拟 Minecraft 客户端而不是使用服务器的 API 手动 ping 服务器。你应当 只在你 的MOTD人数不正确情况下再考虑开启此选项。由于这个选项开启通常会在 BungeeCord 等上出现问题。此选项在独立版无效。

ping-passthrough-interval: 接上一个选项,虚拟的 Minecraft 客户端应该尝试 ping 远Java版服务器以更新信息的频率,以秒为单位(设置为 1 将每秒 ping 一次服务器;设置为 3 将每三秒 ping 一次服务器)。 仅与独立和传统 ping 直通相关。 如果您遇到超时或 BrokenPipe 错误,请增加该数字。

max-players: 在 ping Geyser服务器时显示的最多玩家数量。这个选项实际上不是真的去限制玩家上限。当服务器玩家满员时,人数上限也会跟着提升,而基岩版客户端本身在检测到服务器满员时会直接不尝试连接到服务器。

debug-mode: debug 信息是否在控制台输出。这在你遇到错误或者需要技术信息时有用。

general-thread-pool: Geyser 将能够使用的线程数量。越高并不总是代表越好 :P。

allow-third-party-capes: 是否为基岩版玩家显示第三方 (Optifine, 5zig, LabyMod等) 的披风。

allow-third-party-ears: 是否为基岩版玩家显示第三方 Deadmau5-style ears。目前只支持 MinecraftCapes。

show-cooldown: 基岩版客户端目前并没有 Java版 1.9+PvP 机制。为了解决这个问题,Geyser 发送虚假的 Title 以代替攻击冷却条。如果你的服务器使用 1.8 的 PvP 机制,那么此攻击冷却条将不会显示。此选项可以填写 false (不发送攻击冷却条), title/true (以 Title 形式显示攻击冷却条),或者actionbar (以底部条显示攻击冷却条)。填写其他值等于填写 false

show-coordinates: 基岩版有一个可以在屏幕的左上角显示坐标的选项。 此选项启用或禁用此功能。

emote-offhand-workaround: 从 Java 版 1.9 开始,客户端可以使用所设置的按键 在主手和副手中切换物品(默认是 F)。基岩版没有这个功能,所以这个选项弥补了它。如果设置,当基岩版玩家使用任意表情时,他就会交换副手和主手物品,就像Java版的一样。 这里可以填写为三个值:

  • disabled - 默认值,不使用此解决方案。

  • no-emotes - 表情将不会发送给其他基岩版玩家,同时进行主手和副手的切换物品。这也代表表情功能在 Geyser服务器 中关闭。

  • emotes-and-offhand - 表情发送给其他基岩版玩家同时也会进行主手和副手切换物品。

default-locale: 如果无法查找玩家的语言,那么 Geyser 给玩家设置的语言。点击这里 以查看你的语言的代码。

chunk-caching: 为每位基岩版玩家提供区块缓存,这将以增加 RAM 内存为代价而带来 额外音效支持和修复移动问题。在 Spigot 上使用将会始终启用此选项,因为我们可以使用服务器的 API 来获取区块信息而没有其他任何增加的资源损耗。 Geyser 不推荐你关闭这个选项。

cache-images: 指定图片将被缓存到本地的天数以节省从 互联网 下载它们的时间。 如果设置成 0 则是被禁用。(默认值:0)

allow-custom-skulls: 允许 Geyser 翻译自定义头颅皮肤。这会在一些低端/老的设备上造成严重的卡顿问题。

above-nether-bedrock-building: 基岩版的下界最高高度是127,玩家无法在 128 格以上高度放置方块 - 开启这个选项以后,Geyser 会把下界维度翻译成末地维度,虽然这么做会导致下界的天空是末地的样子,但目前只能通过这种方法解决你在下界放置 128 格以上高度放置方块的问题。

force-resource-packs: 如果 Geyser 加载了资源包,那么将强制玩家使用改资源包。如果设置为 false,那么玩家可以拒绝该资源包并断开与服务器的连接。

xbox-achievements-enabled: 是否在玩家游戏时解锁 Xbox 成就。这将导致你的服务器的指定指令无法使用,因为”作弊“选项将会被关闭。如果开启,像 /gamemode 和 /give 这样的指令在基岩版将无法使用。


scoreboard-packet-threshold: Geyser 会在每个记分板数据包之后更新记分板,但是当 Geyser 试图每秒处理大量记分板数据包时会导致严重的延迟。 此选项允许您指定在每秒多少个计分板数据包之后,计分板更新将被限制到每秒四次更新。

enable-proxy-connections: 允许来自 ProxyPassWaterdog 的连接。 查看 https://www.spigotmc.org/wiki/firewall-guide/ 以获取帮助 - 使用 UDP 而不是 TCP。如果你使用 BungeeCord 或者 Velocity 这样的代理端,则不需要开启本选项。

mtu: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maximum_transmission_unit - 互联网支持的最大 MTU 为 1492,但可能会导致数据包碎片问题。 1400 是默认值。

use-direct-connection: 是否直接连接到 Java 服务器而不建立 TCP 连接。只有当某个插件的数据包或网络无法与 Geyser 正常工作时,才应考虑关闭此功能。 如果在插件版本上启用,Geyser 配置下的Java版服务器地址和端口部分将被忽略。 如果在插件版本上禁用,将有可能导致性能会下降,延迟会增加。

默认 Geyser 配置:

# --------------------------------
# Geyser Configuration File
# A bridge between Minecraft: Bedrock Edition and Minecraft: Java Edition.
# GitHub: https://github.com/GeyserMC/Geyser
# Discord: https://discord.geysermc.org/
# --------------------------------

  # The IP address that will listen for connections.
  # There is no reason to change this unless you want to limit what IPs can connect to your server.
  # The port that will listen for connections
  port: 19132
  # Some hosting services change your Java port everytime you start the server and require the same port to be used for Bedrock.
  # This option makes the Bedrock port the same as the Java port every time you start the server.
  # This option is for the plugin version only.
  clone-remote-port: false
  # The MOTD that will be broadcasted to Minecraft: Bedrock Edition clients. This is irrelevant if "passthrough-motd" is set to true
  # If either of these are empty, the respective string will default to "Geyser"
  motd1: "Geyser"
  motd2: "Another Geyser server."
  # The Server Name that will be sent to Minecraft: Bedrock Edition clients. This is visible in both the pause menu and the settings menu.
  server-name: "Geyser"
  # How much to compress network traffic to the Bedrock client. The higher the number, the more CPU usage used, but
  # the smaller the bandwidth used. Does not have any effect below -1 or above 9. Set to -1 to disable.
  compression-level: 6
  # Whether to enable PROXY protocol or not for clients. You DO NOT WANT this feature unless you run UDP reverse proxy
  # in front of your Geyser instance.
  enable-proxy-protocol: false
  # A list of allowed PROXY protocol speaking proxy IP addresses/subnets. Only effective when "enable-proxy-protocol" is enabled, and
  # should really only be used when you are not able to use a proper firewall (usually true with shared hosting providers etc.).
  # Keeping this list empty means there is no IP address whitelist.
  # Both IP addresses and subnets are supported.
  #proxy-protocol-whitelisted-ips: [ "", "" ]
  # The IP address of the remote (Java Edition) server
  # If it is "auto", for standalone version the remote address will be set to,
  # for plugin versions, it is recommended to keep this as "auto" so Geyser will automatically configure address, port, and auth-type.
  address: auto
  # The port of the remote (Java Edition) server
  # For plugin versions, if address has been set to "auto", the port will also follow the server's listening port.
  port: 25565
  # Authentication type. Can be offline, online, or floodgate (see https://github.com/GeyserMC/Geyser/wiki/Floodgate).
  # For plugin versions, it's recommended to keep the `address` field to "auto" so Floodgate support is automatically configured.
  auth-type: online
  # Allow for password-based authentication methods through Geyser. Only useful in online mode.
  # If this is false, users must authenticate to Microsoft using a code provided by Geyser on their desktop.
  allow-password-authentication: true
  # Whether to enable PROXY protocol or not while connecting to the server.
  # This is useful only when:
  # 1) Your server supports PROXY protocol (it probably doesn't)
  # 2) You run Velocity or BungeeCord with the option enabled in the proxy's main config.
  use-proxy-protocol: false
  # Forward the hostname that the Bedrock client used to connect over to the Java server
  # This is designed to be used for forced hosts on proxies
  forward-hostname: false

# Allows the overworld world height to be extended from 0 - 255 to -64 - 319. This option cannot be changed during a reload.
# 1.17.0-1.17.2 Bedrock clients cannot connect with this option enabled.
# Performance issues and/or additional bugs may occur for Bedrock clients as this is an experimental toggle on their end.
extended-world-height: false

# Floodgate uses encryption to ensure use from authorised sources.
# This should point to the public key generated by Floodgate (BungeeCord, Spigot or Velocity)
# You can ignore this when not using Floodgate.
# If you're using a plugin version of Floodgate on the same server, the key will automatically be picked up from Floodgate.
floodgate-key-file: key.pem

# The Xbox/Minecraft Bedrock username is the key for the Java server auth-info.
# This allows automatic configuration/login to the remote Java server.
# If you are brave enough to put your Mojang account info into a config file.
# Uncomment the lines below to enable this feature.
#  BedrockAccountUsername: # Your Minecraft: Bedrock Edition username
#    email: javaccountemail@example.com # Your Minecraft: Java Edition email
#    password: javaccountpassword123 # Your Minecraft: Java Edition password
#    microsoft-account: true # Whether the account is a Mojang or Microsoft account.
#  bluerkelp2: 
#    email: not_really_my_email_address_mr_minecrafter53267@gmail.com 
#    password: "this isn't really my password"
#    microsoft-account: false

# Bedrock clients can freeze when opening up the command prompt for the first time if given a lot of commands.
# Disabling this will prevent command suggestions from being sent and solve freezing for Bedrock clients.
command-suggestions: true

# The following three options enable "ping passthrough" - the MOTD, player count and/or protocol name gets retrieved from the Java server.
# Relay the MOTD from the remote server to Bedrock players.
passthrough-motd: false
# Relay the protocol name (e.g. BungeeCord [X.X], Paper 1.X) - only really useful when using a custom protocol name!
# This will also show up on sites like MCSrvStatus. <mcsrvstat.us>
passthrough-protocol-name: false
# Relay the player count and max players from the remote server to Bedrock players.
passthrough-player-counts: false
# Enable LEGACY ping passthrough. There is no need to enable this unless your MOTD or player count does not appear properly.
# This option does nothing on standalone.
legacy-ping-passthrough: false
# How often to ping the remote server, in seconds. Only relevant for standalone or legacy ping passthrough.
# Increase if you are getting BrokenPipe errors.
ping-passthrough-interval: 3

# Whether to forward player ping to the server. While enabling this will allow Bedrock players to have more accurate
# ping, it may also cause players to time out more easily.
forward-player-ping: false

# Maximum amount of players that can connect. This is only visual at this time and does not actually limit player count.
max-players: 100

# If debug messages should be sent through console
debug-mode: false

# Thread pool size
general-thread-pool: 32

# Allow third party capes to be visible. Currently allowing:
# OptiFine capes, LabyMod capes, 5Zig capes and MinecraftCapes
allow-third-party-capes: true

# Allow third party deadmau5 ears to be visible. Currently allowing:
# MinecraftCapes
allow-third-party-ears: false

# Allow a fake cooldown indicator to be sent. Bedrock players do not see a cooldown as they still use 1.8 combat
# Can be title, actionbar or false
show-cooldown: title

# Controls if coordinates are shown to players.
show-coordinates: true

# If set, when a Bedrock player performs any emote, it will swap the offhand and mainhand items, just like the Java Edition keybind
# There are three options this can be set to:
# disabled - the default/fallback, which doesn't apply this workaround
# no-emotes - emotes will NOT be sent to other Bedrock clients and offhand will be swapped. This effectively disables all emotes from being seen.
# emotes-and-offhand - emotes will be sent to Bedrock clients and offhand will be swapped
emote-offhand-workaround: "disabled"

# The default locale if we dont have the one the client requested. Uncomment to not use the default system language.
# default-locale: en_us

# Specify how many days images will be cached to disk to save downloading them from the internet.
# A value of 0 is disabled. (Default: 0)
cache-images: 0

# Allows custom skulls to be displayed. Keeping them enabled may cause a performance decrease on older/weaker devices.
allow-custom-skulls: true

# Whether to add (at this time, only) the furnace minecart as a separate item in the game, which normally does not exist in Bedrock Edition.
# This should only need to be disabled if using a proxy that does not use the "transfer packet" style of server switching.
# If this is disabled, furnace minecart items will be mapped to hopper minecart items.
# This option requires a restart of Geyser in order to change its setting.
add-non-bedrock-items: true

# Bedrock prevents building and displaying blocks above Y127 in the Nether -
# enabling this config option works around that by changing the Nether dimension ID
# to the End ID. The main downside to this is that the sky will resemble that of
# the end sky in the nether, but ultimately it's the only way for this feature to work.
above-bedrock-nether-building: false

# Force clients to load all resource packs if there are any.
# If set to false, it allows the user to connect to the server even if they don't
# want to download the resource packs.
force-resource-packs: true

# Allows Xbox achievements to be unlocked.
xbox-achievements-enabled: false

# bStats is a stat tracker that is entirely anonymous and tracks only basic information
# about Geyser, such as how many people are online, how many servers are using Geyser,
# what OS is being used, etc. You can learn more about bStats here: https://bstats.org/.
# https://bstats.org/plugin/server-implementation/GeyserMC
  # If metrics should be enabled
  enabled: true
  # UUID of server, don't change!
  uuid: generateduuid


# Geyser updates the Scoreboard after every Scoreboard packet, but when Geyser tries to handle
# a lot of scoreboard packets per second can cause serious lag.
# This option allows you to specify after how many Scoreboard packets per seconds
# the Scoreboard updates will be limited to four updates per second.
scoreboard-packet-threshold: 20

# Allow connections from ProxyPass and Waterdog.
# See https://www.spigotmc.org/wiki/firewall-guide/ for assistance - use UDP instead of TCP.
enable-proxy-connections: false

# The internet supports a maximum MTU of 1492 but could cause issues with packet fragmentation.
# 1400 is the default.
# mtu: 1400

# Whether to connect directly into the Java server without creating a TCP connection.
# This should only be disabled if a plugin that interfaces with packets or the network does not work correctly with Geyser.
# If enabled on plugin versions, the remote address and port sections are ignored
# If disabled on plugin versions, expect performance decrease and latency increase
use-direct-connection: true

config-version: 4

